Covid-19 Update Details






            The 2019-2020 school year was a year like no other.  Shortly after the end of 3rd quarter, all schools were mandated to shift to remote learning by Executive Order of the Governor as a result of COVID-19.  All schools, public and private went into the unknown territory created by this order. Faith Baptist Christian School (FBCS) worked hard at balancing our commitment to partnering with families, maintaining academic excellence, and following the guidance that was handed down by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).

As we approach the 2020-2021 school year, we realize that the State of Illinois is still under threat of COVID-19, but things seem to be improving.  We also realize that private school and each school district is adopting a re-opening program to meet the challenges that are being presented as well as to construct contingency plans in case of a second wave of lockdowns.

After attending a webinar presented by the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) on reopening, Pastor Collard encouraged the School Board of FBCS, put together a TASK FORCE comprised of representatives from the Board, Administration, Faculty, and Parents to answer the questions created by this unique problem.  A list of proposed questions and issues was presented to by the AACS as a starting point for our discussions.

In our first meeting we divided the questions by category and assigned task groups to each category.  These task groups are: TECHNOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY, FISCAL, COMMUNICATIONS, and EDUCATION

            Because our goal from the beginning has been a full re-opening and because of the complexities of some of the contingency planning, it was suggested that we divide our attention into a PLAN A – FULL RE-OPENING and a PLAN B – CONTINGENCIES.  The suggestion implied we develop to its fullest possibility PLAN A before we work on PLAN B. 

          In our desire to partner with families, our TASK FORCE, especially TASK GROUP COMMUNICATIONS developed a survey which over 2/3rds of our school families and faculty members completed by the deadline.  Of those, 44% were not concerned at all with a full re-opening and 46% were not concerned as long as common sense steps were taken. 

            We want to take common sense steps that protect each child from exposure/infection. However, based on our surveys, as well as information we have received from other surveys and studies, we don’t want to “over-regulate.” We want to maintain a welcoming and friendly atmosphere to the school.  It must be noted that any regulations handed down to ALL schools in Illinois by legislation or by edict of the IDPH or ISBE will, of necessity, be added to these guidelines. 

           After a more full discussion of the survey results and other studies done by our TASK GROUPS, we are ready to make the following recommendations for our FBCS PLAN A FULL-REOPENING.  These recommendations will be made by TASK GROUP category.


In our partnership with families, there is an expectation that a “safe environment be provided for learning.” This is one of the FBCS Core Values. These recommendations will promote that principle.

1.         Cleanliness and disinfection of the building is of utmost importance.  We recommend:

a.         That we develop a method for cleaning each classroom at the end of the day.

-           Teachers should create a system whereby student surfaces such as desks and chairs can be disinfected by the students at the end of the day.

-           All frequently contacted surfaces, such as door handles, light switches, pencil sharpeners, etc. should be disinfected periodically throughout the day

b.         That deep cleaning of the classrooms be provided as needed. We need to decide the best approach (ie. special cleaners, atomized foggers, etc.) for accomplishing this.

c.         That ALL restrooms be cleaned, stocked, and disinfected on a DAILY basis.                       

d.             That ALL entry and stairways be cleaned and handrails sanitized on a DAILY basis.

e.         That as much as weather permits, fresh air should be circulating. Teachers will monitor open windows and fan function.

f.          That the cleaning and disinfection of common areas be done by custodial staff.

2.         Verification of a healthy staff and student population is also very important.  We recommend:

a.         That copies of our health policies be distributed to every family and that signed documents of agreement be in the student files before the first day of class.

b.         That we purchase several (3-5) no-touch thermometers so that we may check the temperature of anyone who enters the building.

-           Please expect that all students and staff will be checked in the early weeks of school to establish an efficient operating system.

-           We reserve the right to conduct random checks throughout the school year and that more extensive checks may be implemented seasonally as needed.

c.         That parents check temperatures before they leave home.  We expect families to assist us with these health issues by not inserting sick individuals into our student population.

d.         That all visitors report through the office and are screened for illness before being allowed to sign in and participate with our student body.

e.         That masks are not required for everyday operations. We reserve the right to ask a student or staff member to wear a mask if they are coughing or have cold symptoms.

f.          That ALL students are encouraged to bring a personal water bottle for use throughout the day. Water fountains will be off limits for use with the exception of filling water bottles.

g.         That the promotion of good hygiene, especially handwashing, become the norm.

h.         That ALL classrooms be provided with a good supply of hand sanitizer and that each hallway be equipped with a no-touch, foam sanitizer dispenser.

3.         Common sense in distancing should also be a part of our daily thinking. We recommend:

            a.         That in ALL classrooms, desks should be set up in rows (rank and file) with all seats                                              facing the same direction. 

-           Elementary teachers should give creative thought to reorganizing the traditional method of “reading circles.”

-           While 6 feet is not realistic in most classrooms, desks should not be touching and should be spaced appropriately.

b.         That all homerooms stay reasonably distanced from other homerooms. This is our normal procedure with elementary recesses, bathroom breaks, in the lunchroom, etc.

c.         That tables be distanced appropriately in the lunch room. This includes both before and after care as well as for the lunch period. 

d.         That consideration be given to additional distancing for chapel and fine arts. Perhaps moving these classes into the auditorium is an option.

e.         That parents not drop their students off in the morning any earlier than necessary.

f.          That secondary students be reminded about “congregating” at their lockers in the hallways and in the bathrooms.

g.         That young men be instructed to hold open the hallway doors until all others have passed through. This is not only good manners but also reduces the number of “touches” upon the door.

Other Health & Safety Protocols to be Determined with consideration given to current IDPH protocol, such as

What is our practice if an individual member of a student family has been in direct contact with a person with Covid-19?

            What is our protocol if an individual with a confirmed case of Covid-19 has entered our building?


            The mission of FBCS states academic excellence as one of our main goals.  And we want to assure our parents of our continuing commitment to that goal.

            We believe the optimal condition for this is a full open – normal school days, normal school calendar.  This is our PLAN A and this document explains that.

            However, realizing the limitations placed on us by enforced remote learning under the guidelines given to all schools, public and private, during the last quarter of the 2019-20 school year, we understand that not all curriculum was completed.  Because of that, we commit to:

1.         Complete communication between teachers to establish the end points of each course last year.

2.         In the courses that “build” one on another (for example, Arithmetic/Mathematics), much of our curriculum starts out the year with review of previous material.  The teacher may opt to spend more time on the review to assure mastery before moving on.

            To aid in this, all teachers will be checking with the scope and sequence of the previous year’s             material to see what the students may have missed or not entirely learned during the remote learning time last Spring.

3.         In courses which don’t build on each other, parents and faculty should recognize that much of our curriculum repeats on a two year cycle, but with more detail and more challenges to critical thinking.  (For instance, in History, our students receive World History and/or Geography on the 5th/7th/and 9th levels and American History on the 6th/8th/10th levels.  Especially as teachers in the 4th quarter of the next cycle, teachers need to be aware of possible deficiencies.

This, again, will require our teachers to explore scope and sequences.

4.         We also commit to an understanding, grace-filled communication with parents and students as we all adjust back into the rigors of classroom learning.

5.         We are also exploring the possibility of offering help classes to start out the year for any student              who may need additional assistance.

Also, while remote learning is not our goal, we realize that it may become necessary for some students to resort to distance learning under the following circumstances:

a.         If a student, or parent/guardian of a student tests positive for COVID-19.

b.         In this case, all other family members must be put on a 15 calendar day quarantine.  This                        includes siblings who are also students.

c.         While sick students should be treated according to our illness policies as outlined in the                   Parent/Student Handbook, we strongly encourage all students to maintain their learning as much as possible.

d.         We are working on technology upgrades to make this more efficient.  Much of that will be revealed in our PLAN B – CONTINGENCY planning.  For now, we commit to close communication with the parents in order to work out a satisfactory program for keeping up.

e.         In cases of COVID-19, we also need to refer to state standards, which are still being established, for changing absentee regulations.


As we work toward a full opening, the following steps are being taken in our technology to assist the entire FBCS family: 

1.    Pursing updated internet capabilities on campus.

2.    Pursing email service, cloud storage, video conferencing, and other software services for teachers and students through Google for Education.

3.    Selecting a Learning Management System that we can use to complement on-campus instruction   and facilitate distance learning as needed in the case of a COVID positive quarantine of a family.

All of these processes are underway and decisions will be made and announced soon.

Questions? Contact us.
(309) 347-6178

1501 Howard Court
Pekin, IL 61554