
We are MORE than a daycare! Our goal is to help your child develop in four areas:
Wisdom: Academic instruction
Our preschool is unique in that it is the ONLY preschool in our area to offer a strong phonics based pre-reading program. We provide both focused learning and play-based learning times throughout the day. The majority of our curriculum is the ABeka Curriculum from Pensacola Christian College, which is nationally acclaimed for its excellence in phonics based language arts.
Stature: Physical Playtime
Our structured recess and play time help your child develop his/her necessary motor skills.
In Favor with God: Bible time
Jesus loved little children. We want each student to learn of about that love and learn to love Him, too.
In Favor with Man: Social skills
For many, this is the first time out of the home in a situation with several other children their age. Our trained and experienced teachers and assistants lovingly, carefully guide your child in developing God-honoring social skills.
8:10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Students may arrive as early as 7:45 a.m. If an earlier arrival is needed, they may arrive as early as 6:30am for a $5.00 charge.
Half Day Option dismisses at 11:30 a.m.
Classroom instruction takes place in the morning, so even the half day option gets all the academic benefits of our pre-school. Naps, playtime, and some art take place in the afternoon.
Aftercare is available
Until 6:00 p.m. for an additional charge of $7.00 per hour.
10 equal monthly payments (August - May)
Preschool - Half Day (3 days): $275.00 per month
Preschool - Full Day (3 days): $350.00 per month
Preschool - Half Day (5 days): $350.00 per month
Preschool - Full Day (5 days): $500.00 per month